It is finished (the redemptive cross of Christ with His blood); the old has gone (passed), the new has come (transformation by the Holy Spirit); the end has come (the old covenant has passed; the new covenant is here). This threefold statement is in agreement with God's divine principle.
Partition in a party, fellowship, reunion, or prom is an embarrassment and isolation.
The purpose statement is unfolding the book of remembrance for your life and destiny. The vision statement is the image of unfolding the book of remembrance for your life and destiny from your heart to the presence of God Almighty.
Some memories are painful and dreadful; some are real blessings indeed.
We know the truth of both sides: on one hand, the man, evil things, and evil; on the other hand, the truth, the way, the life and destiny.
Zero equals one - it is not an increase (a raise or gain). One equals zero - it is not a decrease (a fall). But the expression is an equality representing the same thing; they are a shadow and reality of each other (no reality, no shadow - no reality, no carbon paper).
The godly seal of the Tri-unity in mystery, patterns, knowledge, understanding, and God's wisdom all will remain. Faith, hope, and love remain (1 Cor. 13).
The three - water, blood, and Spirit agree. The past, the present, and the future - yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient.