Faith starts at the beginning and lasts to the end.
Faith rooted in love from above is grounded.
Faith with a purpose and vision determines our destiny.
Kindness quenches misunderstanding, animosity, and mistrust.
It transforms enemies into friends.
Kindness is a vehicle and message of love from above.
Coming in: one foot inside, the other outside, you are still outside.
Coming out: one hand inside, the other outside, you are still inside.
Kindness and justice bring whole blessings.
Equation of love: Attraction + Obstacle = Excitement
Combination: Womb + Man = Woman
Wow + Man = Woman
Wow + Life = Wife
Woe to man if you do not do to her your duty (love her; see her in God's dimension).
As the sun makes ice melt, woman wisdom causes man to melt and dissipates hostilities, misunderstanding, mistrust and makes him tight with her.