Now I can be all that I see.
For now I see a brand new me!
God's embassy is now in me.
All luxury, and discovery;
New melody -- my jubilee!
I've found the key. So, I decree,
That the me I see is Christ in me!
Dr. T. L. Osborne
The will of God is His supreme and ultimate ruling commandment.
The will of God is holy, and good, and just.
Acting in conformity with His will is a consideration of the order of God. Acting against God's will is not a consideration of the order of God.
God's wisdom logical pattern is: to lose is to gain; to die is to live; to give is to receive; to serve is to rule; to come out is to come into the Promised Land with milk and honey.
Marriage according to God is about covenant, gender, and humanity of those who are made in His image and His likeness.
God is the God of the form and the foundation.
Life is not a problem; it is a gift.
Repentance and forgiveness are the keys of kingdom living.