Our ministry, our marriage Lord
Let's celebrate with joy
Because we are no more toy
Let's thank the Lord
Because He is our life, our resurrection Lord.
Lord yesterday the same
Lord today the same
Lord tomorrow the same,
Forever and ever.
Happy 40+ Anniversary and 28th Anniversary
And joy every day.
Dove love,
In Christ Jesus' love.
The one who knows sustains what he knows.
The ignorant or innocent defends their position or their opinion.
Innocent as well as ignorant are conceived in the blood and redeemed by the blood of the cross of Jesus Christ.
Our talent, our treasure, our travail are predestined to our calling and our service for God Almighty.
God seals His divinity, His trinity in His omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence as well as in His identity as God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is also the God who says I am the way, the truth, and the life and I am who I am.
He is the God of the years, God of the cycles of day and night, God of the twelve step cycle of months, days, and hours. He is the God of meaning, the threefold meaning - tones, sounds, and revelation (meaning revealed) and prefix, root word, and suffix. He is the God of ex-Jesus (exegesis) and new cross Jesus (go to the cross for meaning by kneeling in prayer until you receive inspiration, meaning, revelation).
Sharing first (vertically) with God Almighty, and then sharing (horizontally) with the neighbor is securing our blessing.
The ultimate authority of God is delegated (distributed) equally, distinctly, distinguishably, and differently to parents, religious leaders, business executives, government officials. These delegated authorities have two roles: protect and reward, punish and discipline, those who are under authority. Those who are under authority have the right to appreciate or to disapprove and appeal to the ultimate authority.