How is it?
How do you say it?
How do you mean it?
I didn't cross it.
I didn't erase it.
I did underline it.
I did bolden it.
I did seal it.
I did it forever.
In the name of the One who is forever.
Every pattern, every image, every life is traceable to the One who was in the Garden of Eden.
Life is not reduced to good and evil.
But life embraces good and evil.
What really puts laughter in the mouth is salvation, our fortress through God Almighty our strength.
Men and women are equally men and women.
They are equally distinct, distinguished, and different.
We must teach (educate) our children to learn how to say 'yes' with all their heart, strength, and courage, to learn to say 'no', and to learn how to wait.
Monotony is not faithfulness.
Faithfulness can include monotony, but is not reduced to it.
Monotony is one tone (faithfully).
Faithfulness is the fact to have faith (confidence, trust in oneself) in all tones, all seasons, all times (bad or good) with obedience.
Existence is nothing without presence in life.
To be means to be in presence and in existence. That is life.
Presence with essence.
No presence, no essence.
Presence with silence.
No presence, no life or absence.