Leader, where are your ship and fish?
Shepherd, where are your sheep and pasture?
Joy fills mouths with laughter.
Happiness brings smiles on faces.
Salvation is story-fact of Christ Jesus' redemption on the cross through His shed blood. It is the story of the Word made flesh grounded and rooted in love for the people of the world.
Let go; let grow; let glow; let the glory be to God Almighty.
Joy to the world, the Word made flesh is our Saviour.
'Listen' and 'silent' have these letters in common 'e,i,l,n,s,t' to command wisdom in communication.
Why (reason) and YHWH (Yahweh) (belief) have these letters in common 'h,w,y' to show the high and holy way to God. (Notice: reversed WHY leads to YHWH God.)
Joy has the right of way on happiness.
Neither the truth nor the nativity of Christ has saved the world. It is both the acceptance of the truth and of the nativity of Christ that saves.
Neither 'either way' nor 'other way' will save us, but His way, His truth, and His life is the will of God that saves.
Hypocrisy is the rottenness (decay) of our faith, a blockage to supernatural breakthrough.
Littleness of mind and immaturity contrast with Christ's mind.
Joy comes to the world from the Word made flesh. Happiness is in the world of self.
Joy is what God gives; happiness is what material and circumstance brings.
Neither negativity nor positivity work for our good, but it is our righteousness in God that transforms for our good.
Beaks for fowl, muzzles for beasts, openings for sea creatures, and mouths for human beings are gates to worship God. The opposite is shame, perversion and waywardness.